Paying respect to the "first" game I made

This is me pressing F in the chat for my "first" game I actually cared about, even though it looks and plays like a person new to game development made it - spoiler: It was made by a person that was new to game development. Anyway, I find this game to be very important to me because it was something, in my opinion, handled very well compared to other projects I have made. I've made projects, put them up on itch, then took them down a few weeks later. This due to me being lazy during development, or not planning out what I truly wanted my games to be while making them. Shori Island is a great example of a game that I have not planned out and ended up a pile of hot smoke, but I still think it deserves to stay up unlike other games. *cough* *cough* Plant Lax (Game jam version). Thanks for reading this post have a great day!

TL:DR - Games I've made do not personally hold up to Ow, My Back and I want to pay respect to it.

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Jul 22, 2022

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